hi! im �13�-7��

transgender flag emojilesbian flag emojishe/her

what's this?

an excuse to relearn vanilla html/css/js (i love custom elements)

what all is here?

mostly writing now, maybe some other stuff in the future

there's also a static version of the site

how does this place work?

ive done my best to recreate some kind of desktop environment; try moving windows around, opening/closing them, clicking around in the taskbar/start menu, etc

bits and pieces of my thoughts

i write things sometimes

"they can get married without me"

a combat doll and its new witches - 24.03.08

it's not exactly something you'd expect to say about the girls you fought night and day to finally live with, but responsibilites linger, and they don't call you a weapon for nothing. as nice as your new life is, it feels wrong to stay here.

if circumstances were different, you would've been here years ago. the three of you in a small but comfortable apartment, enough money to rarely be worried, actually living within the law, and the ghosts of your past finally leaving you in peace. but they aren't, so here you are, tired and burnt-out from years on the street, barely fitting in a crumbling apartment block on the outskirts of the city, a single stable job barely feeding you all, the weight of all the lives you've taken crushing you more than ever, and watching the two of them get married without you.

it's not all that surprising, really. you all knew it'd never be legal. besides, what benefit could they really get out of being married to a weapon like you? medical rights? you were more likely to end up dead in the streets across the ocean. joint taxes? you couldn't even pay taxes legally. maybe you could've gotten citizenship out of it but that would just make you a foreign national and put an even bigger target on your head.

Is this how it feels to be alive?


She stood atop what remained of the barricades, clad in black from head to heel. Seating her rifle against her shoulder, the feeling that she may finally have a human heart the only thought occupying her mind.

She stood among a crowd of hundreds of others like her, all with their faces hidden under layers of black and weaponds fixed before them. Though few eyes burned as bright as hers.


when i write about actually real events


do broken phones dream of electric sheep?

it shouldn't hurt this much, should it? losing a phone? it surely isn't normal to be this attached to a bit of plastic silicon and glass. but here i am. i already knew id be upset when i had to move on, but- idk. i think its worse because i know i tried to save her. even that cant be normal right? calling a phone a her? i mean ive known its strange as long as ive done it, but it feels... right? well it cant really be that strange... people call boats shes all the time. maybe its because im not human, so it doesnt feel strange to ascribe human things like gender to the objects around me. but either way its.. it hurts more than just an inconvenience would. all things considered its not that bad. i dont remember any 2fa codes i didnt have elsewhere, my music was all already on my laptop, i dont take all that many photos. really the only thing i can think of that im missing is my books, and those are all trivial to get again. she had just lasted me so long though. she still had a headphone jack. she still had a normal fingerprint sensor. she still fit in my hand. maybe im just afraid of change. it is nice to have something to hold on to.


was talking to a friend about web projects and started looking through the site she sent me.

i think its incredible honestly, i love her dedication to pure html and i love how she writes.

i wish this imposter syndrome would go away. it probably wont, but i can hope anyway cant i? i guess i just need to find some way to work through it.

suppose i should actually talk about it huh? on nakba day, the 76th anniversary of the original nakba, the palestine solidarity encampment at our university was trashed by state riot police. ironic? purposeful? im not sure. i wasnt there. i was there the first night comrades were arrested. it hurts like hell to know that i woke up in my bed in my house hours after shit went down when my friends and comrades got arrested in a place i had helped create, but ended up getting too burnt out at to stay.

its interesting to say i (or at least one of me?) feel like a weapon. i do. but ive never actually harmed someone. i can call myself an anarchist but does that even mean anything if youve never actually punched a nazi?

that bit of microfiction i wrote a couple months ago is bouncing around in my head again as i write this. interesting to think i thought about those girls that way at one point. i do that a lot: fall for someone incredibly hard incredibly quickly, and then realize at least a month later that i actually just dodged a hell of a bullet. or maybe im too scared to let myself actually get close to someone like i did him? i still want it. clearly. given how much i think about it. but idk

anyway. we'll be back █████. we'll be back. and we're fucking mad.

yesterday we needed some extra posterboard so i brought over your old signs from Durango city council. i don't know if they ever got used for anything. through no fault of our own they're in a garbage truck now.


im a bit of a walking red flag aren't i? a girl thing who claims to have ideals but doesn't actually know anything. a trans woman freak who claims to be responsible but can't even ask a fucking question. wants to call itself an anarchist but can't handle conflict for shit.

yes im being hard on myself, but hey its better than the alternative yk? like i dont enjoy writing awful shit about myself and rotting in bed and ignoring everything and everyone around me, but at least i live through it yeah? doesn't really give me a chance to change though. it's just another way i run away from my problems like i have for so long now. i don't want to sleep in that bed tonight. i hope it will do better than me. let's be real it already has.

24.06.16 / 2

these kinds of websites are a strange place aren't they? you stumble across them and you get to see some of the deepest thoughts of some random stranger you've never heard of before. it's probably because none of us want to deal with the shit that goes on inside our heads alone, but i'm willing to bet that so many of us don't exactly have a better place to share this kinda stuff. oh well.

ig im still here. that was the closest ive ever been in a while, but the indominable human spirit or something. tbh i just want to be friends with it. it seems really cool. i don't know if ill ever be able to look it in the eyes again though. it's not the kind of thing you can apologize your way out of. i hope it knows i didn't mean it. im worried that this is becoming a pattern with me. ive seen it happen multiple times. not really sure what to do about it.

24.01.05 - rewrote an old project to be this, using custom elements and some nice css :)

24.01.06 - you can move the windows! working title buttons as well, i just need to figure out how best to add new windows, fix their starting locations and whatnot! i also needed to remove the transition-duration for the window movement to work... need to figure out how to add that back :/

24.02.02 - whole buncha stuff! window movement is better, though still not perfect; windows can be opened and closed using the shortcut links; shortcut links are automatically added the the 'start menu'; windows return to their old positions when exiting fullscreen; and fullscreen windows should hopefully render better across different devices! chrome is also now supported! not sure why, but chrome seems to only like autonomous custom elemets (if youre not doing anything in the constructor?) tbh im not sure

24.03.08 - happy women's day! added new microfiction and journal widgets!
- tab-focusable windows, links, buttons, etc
- arrow key window movement


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